Sheikra is one of the best thrill rides at Busch Gardens, Tampa, FL. While not the scariest ride, it has it's own movements. The highlight of that ride is a free fall 90 degrees from 200 feet height. The euphoria of the wall street makes me feel that we are ready for similar all. While all trends and charts, market data looks like the worst times are over, I do not see the optimism in the main street. Job data is not at all positive. I did not see any new projects announced. I did not see strong regulatory steps that prevent banks from doing what they did. I did not see any measures to prevent ARM housing credit crisis as many fear is unfolding. I did not see any positive steps.
Politically, I see that Obama admin is in a stalemate on the most important bill they want to make - Health Reforms. It sounds so socialist to begin with, what they want to do for the uninsured. And the fact that average cost for a household is 15K including employer contribution is very disturbing. I wish they find a way of eliminating kick backs for costly procedures and also to improve national health by adding more community gyms, sports centers and fitness centers. Meanwhile Republicans are in their shell and doesn't want to come out for anything except scandals.
Immigration reforms, my favorite topic - should offshoring companies hire more people locally. I think they should. With stricter, often meaningless rejects of H1B renewals, I dont think there is an alternative. But I really wish they make the green card policy more practical. I dont think a position for which labor was filed in 2000 be still available in 2009. I dont think an EB-3 programmer in 2000 will still be a programmer of same skillset on 2009. If he is, then US doesnt need such underachievers. This is a flawed policy that needs urgent reform. And for god's sake, dont consider PhDs alone as highly skilled immigrants. Building complex software systems do need lots of rigor, discipline and talent. H1Bs are highly skilled.
BTW, I felt happy for Hillary Clinton that she could use Clinton to meet people like Kim Jong II. It must be ultimate revenge for his past mistakes like breaking vows of marriage and for bombing camels asses using his executive powers to deviate the country.
Domestic front, I could not help wondering what made Mr MM Singh give silly statements at Sharm el-Sheikh. Pakistan did not take any action against Nov 26 attacks and this statement seem to be putting that attack on India behind.
Other than these, off late, I am inspired by these videos of JP
JP on Politics and Governance
JP's lecture at Mumbai University
As you can see, there is no central idea behind this post...just some ramblings..