India was a castist society. Naturally some castes were socially downtrodden. Hinduism, particularly priest community (brahmins) and ruling classes like Kings, Reddys, Chowdaries did nothing special to reform the society as it served their vested interests.
When India became independent in 1947, some polititians like Dr. B.R Ambedkar wanted a quick means to uplift the downtrodden and bring them to mainstream society. The scheme they devised is "Reservations in jobs, education etc". It definitely did wonders and would have worked well if vested polititians did not meddle into the process. All these years, constitution was ammended multiple times and the % of seats allocated to dalts/ OBCs are increased. Most of the times to create vote bank politics.
Did these reservations achieve what they are supposed to achive. I say yes and no. Today there are 3rd/ 4th generation backward caste families enjoying the reservations even though they are in a socially enviable position than many other forward caste families. Personally I know many OBCs who are much much wealthy (some are millionares), but will bypass the merit and enter educational institutes through this short cut. Dalits is a different issue. They may need more reforms (not necessarily reservations).
And there is no dignity in a Dalit/OBC student entering an IIT with 25% less score than their forward caste counterpart.
I feel Dalits and other backward caste communities should fight against the Indian Government policy and demand dignity, respect and provide equal opportunity. They should demand world class primary education, health benefits and financial security, scholarships.
To add more fuel to the fire, Congress politicians from AP are trying to create some quota to Muslims.
Respect merit.
Save Dalits/ OBCs dignity.
Don't become vote banks.
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