Check this article in Rediff about Jaswant Singh's version of the Hijack episode.
Nations are not made up of just cities, villages, rivers and mountains. They are made up of values and importantly with how much conviction the majority of it's people have about their values. The way IC-814 hijack crisis handled by Indian Govt showed to the world that India is a nation with no spine. Lifes of around 160 passengers and crew is definitely more valuable than 36 individuals if they are not terrorists. But India bent on it's kneels and accepted defeat and our own external affairs minister personally being present before world media and doing this shameful act of exchange doesnt reflect good about a billion strong nation. It made us a billion weak nation...
Shame on media for dramatizing this episode and putting nebgative pressure on the Govt. SHAME.....
You can write me off another cynical NRI..But still...I am a patriotic Indian and could not accept Indian Govt's action.
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