Coming to features, I will cover push email, web browsing, internet access, ipod, iTunes, you Tube and App Store
Onething I liked in Windows Mobile 6 which I miss in iphone is Exchange GAL. Usually I do need to get some of my colleagues contact details while I am on the road. Windows Mobile Exchange access used to fetch me addresses from Company Address book. With iphone I get at most my Exchange contacts. It is certainly limiting. Calendar sync is also not as elegant as in WM6.
Web browsing is a treat. I get 3G almost every place I go in Tampa and New York and browsing is fast. If I check in any hotel, I see wifi. So I am connected. It is a wonderful device in that aspect.
Only thing I miss is tethering iphone to use its 3G with my laptop. ATT seems to be blocking this which is a shame. We already pay for the internet..what if we use that in emergency to check email?
ipod is decent. Not a replacement for your 30GB gadget. But a wonderful alternative. if you organize your music into playlists and shuffle them often with latest ones, I think you can always carry fresh music as well as your favoirites. It is much better than WM 6's handicapped Windows Media Player Mobile. If only Apple gives a way to insert a MicroSD card, no need to buy an ipod. But Apple knows that and hence they prevent that. Also they may be thinking in cloud terms and keep content away rather than in the device.
iTunes is good. I think I like this version than the big monolith in the laptop for its ease of use and singular nature.
You Tube is a killer app. Wonderful clarity and excellent streaming speed on both 3G and Wifi.
App Store is another killer app. What a brilliant design? UI is clean, buying an app is a cake walk. Download of app and visual progress bar on the app being downloaded and installed is a testimony of Apple's UI poweress.
I downloaded Twitterrific, CheckPlease, Facebook, Linkedin, Wordpress, Googlr, Wikipanion, Currency, Units, IMPlus and Pandora. All the applications are well designed.
My complaint - 2 weeks of usage..and none major. Perhaps security because when the users type password, each letter briefly highlights in magnified mode. I always felt that someone is watching my iphone and can read my entire password within few feet away in the line of sight. Creepy... is a good gadget...I am a happy iphone user.
nice post Vamsi. Though i wanted one, it costs 31000 here so i have been put off by the rip-off pricing.
Thanks Sukumar. 31K is definitely in the higher side. Added to that there will be data charges, no-so-great 3g services, roaming data between telecom cellular circles within country etc is a definite prohibitive factor. May be people buy it to enjoy the coolness factor.
Device itself is really well designed and built.
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